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Subject: Early polymers in ethnographic collections

Early polymers in ethnographic collections

From: Valentin Boissonnas <valentin.boissonnas>
Date: Tuesday, January 16, 2001
I am posting this for a student of mine

    I am a third year student in conservation of archaeological and
    ethnographic objects at the Haute Ecole d'Art Appliquee, La
    Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. In April I will start my
    dissertation which will discuss the problems encountered in the
    conservation of early synthetic polymers as found in
    ethnographic collections. For the practical object related study
    and analysis I am looking for a collection that includes such
    artefacts. The work could include actual conservation measures
    on some objects if such is possible. The internship would have
    to take place between April and August of this year. I am a
    native French speaker, but I would be happy to also work in an
    English speaking institution. I would be grateful for any
    suggestion concerning such a possibility.Many thanks,

    Noemie Walter
    noem_walter [at] yahoo__fr

                  Conservation DistList Instance 14:39
                 Distributed: Monday, January 22, 2001
                       Message Id: cdl-14-39-026
Received on Tuesday, 16 January, 2001

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