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Subject: UV filters

UV filters

From: Gregor Trinkaus-Randall <gregor.trinkaus-randall>
Date: Friday, August 28, 1998
Anne Lane <alane [at] infoave__net> writes

>We are planning to purchase a number of UV filtering sleeves for
>fluorescent tubes in museum storage and exhibit areas.  We have so
>far been unable to find any information on the effective life span
>of these sleeves.

    **** Moderator's comments: Thanks to Niccolo Caldararo for
    reminding me that there have been quite a few discussions on
    this topic before, so please see the DistList archives in CoOL
    Searching for "uv filters sleeves" should do the trick

Although I do not have any hard data, fair common statements a few
years ago indicated that the sleeves were effective for from 7-10
years.  However, I recently tested UV emissions in a room where the
sleeves had been installed about 15 years ago, and the readings were
extremely low (0 uW/Lumen and .4 uW/M2 on one occasion and 0
uW/Lumen and 0 uW/M2 on another).  You should also be aware that the
acrylic shields installed over fluorescent tubes have UV inhibitors
in them.  UV readings in rooms where the fluorescent tubes are
encased in fixtures with acrylic shields have also had very low
readings (generally < 10 uW/Lumen and < 5 uW/M2).

Gregor Trinkaus-Randall
Collection Management/Preservation Specialist
Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners
648 Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02215-2070
617-267-9400, 800-952-7403 (in-state)
Fax: 617-421-9833

                  Conservation DistList Instance 12:22
                  Distributed: Friday, August 28, 1998
                       Message Id: cdl-12-22-003
Received on Friday, 28 August, 1998

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