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Subject: Short courses for mid-career conservators

Short courses for mid-career conservators

From: Marie-Odile Robbins <westdean>
Date: Friday, July 10, 1998
    **** Moderator's comments: This is a truncated announcement.
    More detail is available on the News page in Conservation OnLine

West Dean College
Professional Conservators In Practice
October 1998 to September 1999
supported by The Radcliffe Trust

A wide choice of primary conservation training is available in this
country. However, there are relatively few opportunities for
mid-career conservators to find specialist training in specific
aspects of their discipline, or to refresh their skills and update
their knowledge of developments in materials and techniques. West
Dean College has now entered into collaboration with other
institutions in order to pool expertise for a series of short
courses and a forum which will meet this need for continuing
professional development.

In this pilot group of events, supported by the Radcliffe Trust, the
College is pleased to be working with: The National Portrait
Gallery, which has combined a major exhibition at the gallery, The
Art of the Picture Frame, in 1996, with an ongoing frame
conservation and information programme; and The Textile Conservation
Centre, which has been instrumental in establishing textile
conservation as a profession and in educating more than half the
world's trained textile conservators; and Robert Ferguson, of the
University of London Institute of Education, working on the
development of training and communication skills for conservators.

The objective is to offer only the best in teaching and facilities.
The events have been designed and are taught by leading
practitioners. Lectures, working groups, practical demonstrations
and visits to historic houses are characteristics of these lively
courses. The forum will be dedicated to achieving an open exchange
of ideas in the specialised area of upholstery conservation.

These events will appeal to those employed in preserving the
cultural heritage who will normally be practising conservators or
museum professionals at curator level. To ensure individual
attention there is a limit of 15 participants for workshop based
courses. Entry to the courses will be by application and a selection
process will ensure that only those most likely to benefit will be
accepted. On the other hand, the forum is open to all those
interested, from both the private and public sectors.

18 - 23 October 1998 PC DF1
The Conservation of the Picture Frame
    Course Leader: Richard Hallas, Head of Frame Conservation, The
        National Portrait Gallery.
    Tutors: Christine Powell, Victoria and Albert Museum;
    Jacob Simon, author of The Art of the Picture Frame;
    Dr Nicholas Eastaugh, Scientific Consultant.

7 December 1998
A Forum - The conservation and Restoration of Upholstered Furniture:
Reviewing the Issues PC1D1
    Forum Leader: Kate Gill, Senior conservator/lecturer
        specialising in the conservation of textiles and upholstery,
        The Textile Conservation Centre

11 - 16 April 1999 PC FD2
5 - 10 September 1999 PC FD4
Teaching Skills for Conservation
    Course Leader: Robert Ferguson, Senior Lecturer in Education at
        the University of London Institute of Education

29 August - 3 September 1999
Issues and Approaches in Upholstery Conservation PC FD3
    Course Leaders: Kate Gill, Senior conservator/lecturer
        specialising in the conservation of textiles and upholstery,
        The Textile Conservation Centre.
    Norbert Gutowski , Conservation/Restoration Antique Furniture
        Tutor, West Dean College.

A Limited number of bursaries are available. Please apply to the
College for further details. For further details of these events
please apply to the college office

    West Dean College
    West Dean
    Chichester, West Sussex PO18 0QZ
    +44 1243 811301
    Fax: +44 243 811343
    westdean [at] pavilion__co__uk

                  Conservation DistList Instance 12:12
                   Distributed: Friday, July 24, 1998
                       Message Id: cdl-12-12-016
Received on Friday, 10 July, 1998

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