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Subject: Urushi


From: Ruth Buhner <buehner>
Date: Thursday, May 21, 1998
Urushi is a highly viscous natural latex which comes from the sap of
the lacquer tree Rhus vernicifera (Rhus toxidendron--poison ivy) and
is the basic material of asian laquerworks.

I could not find any supplier in Europe. Please, could correspondents
tell me where I can find Japanese and Chinese suppliers for
different types of Urushi--raw and refined--in high quality and
other basic materials, for example Tonoko-powder (fine powder from
clay), Tsunoko (calcined deer`s horn ash) for the use in restoration
and conservation of chinese lacquerworks.

Ruth Buhner
Restoration-Conservation of fine woodworks

                  Conservation DistList Instance 11:95
                   Distributed: Friday, May 22, 1998
                       Message Id: cdl-11-95-014
Received on Thursday, 21 May, 1998

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