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Subject: Teachers sought for workshops on waterlogged materials

Teachers sought for workshops on waterlogged materials

From: Howard Wellman <howard>
Date: Thursday, May 14, 1998
The Institute of Nautical Archaeology - Egypt, located in
Alexandria, Egypt, has been approached by a USAID-funded agency to
create a training program in the practicalities of conserving
archaeological objects from waterlogged or marine sites.

We are looking for professional conservators with experience
conserving waterlogged objects who would like to come to Egypt to
run short (1-2 week), intensive lecture/workshops on tightly focused
subjects, ie, assessment and treatment of waterlogged organic
materials, assessment and treatment of ferrous and non-ferrous
metal, and assessment and treatment of ceramics/glass/stone.  The
emphasis will be on *introducing* experienced conservators to the
relatively new field (for Egypt) of the problems of conserving
materials from wet sites.  Another emphasis is on teaching
conservation procedures that are adaptable to the standard
facilities and resources normally found in developing industrialized
countries (ie, there are no freeze-driers in Egypt).

The students will be conservators currently working for the Egyptian
Supreme Council of Antiquities.  The language of the course will be
English, but lecture materials will be translated into Arabic, in
order to create a bi-lingual laboratory manual.  The Lecturer will
be supported by a bi-lingual Lecturer/Demonstrator (see accompanying

Expenses and per diem will be paid by a grant from USAID.  The
schedule for this project is still under discussion, but we
anticipate beginning the actual workshops in early 1999.

Anyone interested in taking part in this project should please

    Howard Wellman
    Director of Conservation
    Institute of Nautical Archaeology-Egypt
    PO Box 432, El Ibrahimia
    Alexandria, EGYPT
    +20 3 546-6872 (fax/phone)
    howard [at] dataxprs__com__eg

                  Conservation DistList Instance 11:92
                  Distributed: Thursday, May 14, 1998
                       Message Id: cdl-11-92-034
Received on Thursday, 14 May, 1998

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