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Subject: Field work opportunity--addendum

Field work opportunity--addendum

From: Rivka Rabinovich <rivka>
Date: Tuesday, January 20, 1998
I wrote

>I would like to offer a visit for a conservator that has experience
>in field work, mainly in bones and tusks.

I would like to add a very important detail: the applicant should be
a European citizen (European Union) and up to 35. I am very sorry
not to mention it before, I have forgotten how wide is the world...

Rivka Rabinovich
Dept. of Evolution, Systematics and Ecology,

                  Conservation DistList Instance 11:62
                 Distributed: Tuesday, January 20, 1998
                       Message Id: cdl-11-62-006
Received on Tuesday, 20 January, 1998

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