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Subject: IADA Congress

IADA Congress

From: Mogens Koch <koskmsk>
Date: Wednesday, August 2, 1995
8th International Congress of the IADA (Internationale
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Archiv-Bibliotheks-und Graphikrestauratoren)
will take place from 19 - 25 September 1995 in Tuebingen near
Stuttgart, Germany. The preliminary program is published in RESTAURO
5/1994.  Registration fee DM 590,-.

Morning sessions will be translated to German/English and to
English/German, Saturday will be translated French/English and

Excursion to the Institute for Conservation and restoration of
Archive and Library Materials of Baden-Wuerttemberg, in Ludwigsburg.
Ludwigsburg lies north of Stuttgart, about 60 km from Tuebingen
itself. Participants will leave in modern tour buses from the
Congress building in Tuebingen and they will also return there. The
trip there takes about 1 hour and the participants will arrive back
in Tuebingen not later than 7:p.m.

The Institute was founded in 1987 in the course of a conservation
program for the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, and during this
construction phase (until the beginning of 1995), it is being
temporarily housed in rooms in the Library of the University of
Tuebingen. In the reconstructed arsenal depot in Ludwigsburg, the
Institute has at its disposal about 2000 m2 worth of the most modern
facilities for the conservation and restoration of library and
archiv materials.

Because excursion participants cannot all tour the Institute
simultaneously, a small, attractive tour programme will be available
in Ludwigsburg. (For more information, see the Congress Brochure.)
Travel Cost: DM. 20,-

Further informations:

    Gerd Brinkhus
    P.O. Box 2620
    D-72016  Tuebingen
    +49 70 71 29 25 85
    Fax: +49 70 71 29 31 23
    gerd.brinkhus [at] ub__uni-tuebingen__de


    Mogens S. Koch
    Esplanaden 34, DK-1263
    Copenhagen K

    +45 33 12 68 60 ext. 5042
    Fax: +45 33 32 08 01
    koskmsk [at] inet__uni-c__dk

Program for Tuebingen 1995

Monday 18. 09 1995, Afternoons.

    13.00 Registration
    14.00 Sightseeing
    17.00 Registration close

Tuesday  19. 09 1995
Chair: Mogens S. Koch

    9.00 Opening

    9.45 Astrid Brandt, Klimakontrolle und Magazinhygiene in der
    Bibliotheque Nationale de France: ein Beispiel passiver

    10.30 Pause
    11.45 Pascale Regnault, Putting shoes on Duke Humfrey. A Passive
    Conservation Measure in thr Bodleian library, Oxford


Tuesday  19. 09 1995, Afternoons 1.
Chair: Ludwig Ritterpusch

    14.00 Verena Flamm, Die Restaurierung von grossformatigen
    gotischen Baurissen auf Pergament und ihre Lagerung

    14.45 Jedert Vodopivec, The Preservation and Protection of
    Medieval Parchment Charters in Slovenia

    15.30 Pause

    16.00 Magdalena Liedtke, Die Restaurierung der
    Gruendungsurkunden des Klosters Sels

    16.45 Elzbieta Jablonska, Probleme der Konservierung -


Tuesday  19. 09 1995, Afternoons 2.
Chair: Gerhard Banik

    14.00 Christian Beintker, Neue Methoden substanzschonender
    Buchrestaurierung - Demonstration eines partiellen Eingriffes

    14.45 Idelette van Leeuwen, Restaurierung und Konservierung
    eines Ikunabelkonvoluts

    15.30 Pause

    16.00 Rene Larsen, Status of the Work of Environment, Leather

    16.45 Frederick A. Bearman, The passive approach to Book
    Conservation and the role of Conservation ethics in Preserving
    the Rare Collections at Columbia University.


Wednesday 20. 09 1995

     9.00 The training of restorers in Europa (How to obtain a

     Chairman: Norbert S. Baer, New York University
     Panel discussion between representatives of restorer training
     centres from various European countries

Wednesday 20. 09 1995, Afternoons 1.
Chair: Renate van Issem

    14.00  Presentations of Diplomworks/Projects
    17.30 close

Wednesday 20. 09 1995, Afternoons 2.
Chair: Judith H. Hofenk de Graaff

    14.00 Klaus B. Hendriks, Permanence of Paper, updating

    14.45 Manfred Anders, Zur chemischen Festigung von Papier in
    Zusammenhang mit der Papierentsaeuerung

    15.30 Pause

    16.00 Wilhelm Willemer, Recykling in der Papierindustrie

    16.45 Johan Neevel, The Development of a New Conservation
    Treatment for Ink Corrosion, Based on the Natural Antioxidant


Wednesday 20. 09 1995, Evening.

    17.30 Buffet
    19.30 General Assembly

Thursday 21. 09 1995 Chair: Gerd Brinkhus

    9.00 R.E. van Gulik, Disaster planning

    9.45 Peter Waters, St. Petersborg ?

    10.30 Pause

    11.00 Judith H. Hofenk de Graaff, The effect of alkaline boxes
    and file folders on the accelerated ageing of paper by air

    11.45 Andreas Kiefer, Planung und Realisierung der
    Zentralwerkstatt des Landes Baden-Wuerttemberg in Ludwigsburg


Thursday  21. 09 1995, Afternoons 1.

    14.30 Visits

Thursday  21. 09 1995, Afternoons 2
Chair: Mogens S. Koch

    14.00 Klaus Pollmeier, Die Restaurierung von Glasnegativen und
    -positiven von F. W. Murnau

    14.45 Jesper Stub Johnsen, Preventive conservation for
    photographic materials

    15.30 Pause

    16.00 Jonas Palm, Digitizing photographs for restoration

    16.45 Wolfgang Hesse, Arbeitsgruppe "Fotografie im Museum " und
    der Rundbrief Fotografie. Ein Arbeitsbericht


Friday  22. 09 1995
Chair: Jonas Palm

    9.00 T.A.G. Steemers, Preventive conservation in Dutch archives,
    include boxing, floor cleaning systems and filter systems

    9.45 W. Castelijns, Pilot project for a special filter- and air
    conditioning system for smaller archive.

    10.30 Pause


    11.45  Philip Meredith, Far Eastern Paper Conservation and Some
    Aspects of Preventive Conservation in Europe


Friday  22. 09 1995, Afternoons 1.
Chair: Ludwig Ritterpusch

    14.00 Karin Smidt, Einblattdruck des 15. Jahrhunderts - Heilige
    Nacht - auf einer Tabernakeltuer

    14.45 Barbera Schultz, Zeichnung oder Druck? Zu einem
    Roetelblatt aus dem 18.Jahrhundert im Hessischen Landesmuseum

    15.30 Pause

    16.00 N.Soenmez, Zur Geschichte des Marmorpapiers

    16.45 R. Fuchs, Papierrestaurierung?


Friday  22. 09 1995, Afternoons 2.
Chair: Astrid Brandt

    14.00 Hartmut Weber, Wer sorgt sich um Buecher und Archivalien?
    - Aufgabenteilung zwischen Archivar/Bibliothekar und
    Restaurators bei der Bestandserhaltung

    14.45 Susan Herion, Konservierungsschwerpunkte der
    Schweizerischen Landesbibliothek

    15.30 Pause

    16.00 Anna Haberditzl, Verschiedene Methoden zur Bekaempfung von
    mikrobiologischen Befall

    16.45 Ingrid Hoedl, Microorganismen auf Papir: Prophylaktische
    Konservierung, Identifizierung, Desinfektion und Restaurierung


Saturday  23. 09 1995
Chair: Robert Fuchs

    9.00 Jean-Marc Fontaine, Preservation of Audio Recording Carriers

    9.45 Ren Hardy, Principes de montage des documents en feuille du
    departement des estampes et de la photographie de la Bibliotheque
    Nationale de France.

    10.30 Pause

    11.00 Jiri Vnoucek, "Can we manege to avoid failure in conservation of
    rare books and documents?"

    11.45 Donnatella Falchetti Pezzoli and Natalie Ravanel, "The Triumphal
    Arch of Emperor Maximilian I", Wood-cut by Duerer and its restoration,
    Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, Milan


Saturday  23. 09 1995, Afternoons.
Chair: President of IADA

    14.00 Ruth Henriques, Die Meersburger Flurkarte von 1699. Eine
    neue Vakuumtechnik, die bei der Restaurierung sehr fragiler
    Papiere hilft

    14.45 Guenter Mueller, Zur Sanierung und Benutzungsfaehigkeit
    bruechiger Zeitungen

    15.30 Pause

    16.00 Karin Troschke, Konservatorische Moeghlikeiten fuer
    Papirobjekte in Schloessern mit hoechsten Besucherzahlen

    16.45 Aus Fehler Lernen

    17.15 Closing remarks

Mogens S. Koch

                  Conservation DistList Instance 9:15
                  Distributed: Friday, August 4, 1995
                        Message Id: cdl-9-15-015
Received on Wednesday, 2 August, 1995

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