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Subject: PARS executive committee minutes

PARS executive committee minutes

From: Debra McKern <dmck>
Date: Monday, June 19, 1995
    From: Jeanne Drewes <drewes [at] origami__ornet__med__umich__edu>
    Sun, 18 Jun 1995 08:45:22 -0400 (ED
    To: "Robert B. Harriman" <rhar [at] loc__gov>
    Subject: PARS EXEC minutes

    The draft I sent is now the final minutes for PARS (Preservation
    and Reformatting Section, ALA) exec with no additions or
    changes. Paper copy will be available at the first PARS exec
    meeting, before if you ask me for a copy.

    PARS Executive Committee I and II Minutes Midwinter Meeting
    February 5 and 7, 1995

    I.  Approval of minutes from 1994 Annual meeting.  Approved with
        minor corrections (see attached).

    II.  Chair's report

    A.  Presented the PARS organizational chart and clarified the
        structure. Discussed further need for information on the
        reorganization with members and the possibility of an open
        house for all of ALA to share what PARS is and to encourage

        Discussed the Executive Committee role and Policy and
        Planning. Executive takes direction from all committee and
        Discussion Groups which should be brought as an action item
        to the Executive committee.

    B.  PARS sent to ALCTS Board for approval a draft "Resolution in
        support of reauthorization of the National Endowment for the
        Humanities" done by the PADG (Resolution attached) ALCTS
        Board approved the resolution and it was sent on to

    C.  Forwarded to Policy and Planning a request to change the
        charge of Books and Paper Committee and to forward their
        request for a listserv to ALCTS.

    D.  Began discussion for a 1997 program on International
        Preservation as a topic.

    E.  Sent to Policy and Planning a request to change the bylaws
        to include Programs and Publications chair as ex-officio
        member of Executive Committee.

    III.  Past Chair's Report

    A.  Executive Committee approved request to continue to have
        past chair do scheduling for meetings and requested that
        this information be taken back to all task forces and
        subcommittees via committee chairs.

    B.  The approved program "Selection for Preservation in a
        Digital Universe" has a name change.  Program for Chicago
        jointly sponsored with CMDS is now "Enhancing Preservation
        and Access: Selection for Digital Conversion" (committee
        chairs Janet Gertz and Sam Demas)

    C.  Janet clarified organizational process of
        communication--Committee chairs need to tell the Exec Comm.
        of all subcommittees and task forces created.  This will
        assist past chair in scheduling meetings.

    IV.  Vice-Chair's Report

    A.  Reported on ALCTS wide meeting of section vice chairs.

    B.  Reported on the ALCTS Program Committee which is working to
        develop criteria for Annual Conference programs and to
        review program plans without delaying the process too much..

    V.  ALCTS Representatives' reports

    A.  ALCTS Organization and Bylaws (Ann Swartzell) There was a
        proposal for an change to an ALCTS standing committee from
        the Computer Files DG.  There is overlap with PARS , and it
        is not clear where it fits best.  There was discussion of
        having a Task Force instead, but that would eliminate the
        power to do program planning.

        ALCTS level program committee has difficulty with continuity
        since that committee is made up of section vice chairs.  It
        was suggested that ALCTS follow PARS organization with a
        Program and Publication committee.  Tom Clareson agreed to
        attend the ALCTS meeting with the request not to slow the
        PARS process for program and publications..

        ALCTS is trying to have uniform bylaws of all sections and
        created a committee to study this issue.  The committee is
        to be made up of ex officers.  Two from each section and the
        section can chose the people. There is an ALCTS committee to
        review and track who does and does not file reports.  The
        information comes back to O & B and serves as a reference
        for future meetings.

    B.  Membership.  Myron reported that ALCTS membership is down
        6.1%. PARS membership is up 37%.  Miami is blamed for the
        poor membership numbers.  There will be a new ALCTS
        membership brochure which is a follow-up from the Action
        Plan.  There are plans for a 40 year celebration/promotion
        in 1997.  ALCTS is seeking volunteers for the ALCTS
        booth--contact Dot Hope of the U of Florida who is
        coordinating the booth.

    C.  Research and Statistics.  Evelyn Frangakis noted a request
        by the committee for suitable research projects dealing with
        preservation. Request for a 1996 or 1997 program on using
        statistics software for in-house use.  The question was
        asked who was using the RLG automated software. Surveyor is
        being used at Harvard.  Possible topics which were sent back
        to the committee were coping with fluctuating budgets,.  The
        need for a research agenda for PARS and the need to fill in
        gaps in research was discussed.

    D.  Budget and Finance Representative's report. The need for
        profitable or at least break even programming was discussed.
        PARS needs to be sure that a pre-conference or institute
        will have sufficient interest to generate income.  There was
        some discussion of an institute as an outgrowth of the
        Collections Conservation for 1997. a binding institute for
        fall 1996 and the need for a digital preconference for 1996.

    E.  ALCTS CMDS Jennifer Bowles reported about the meeting topic
        of diversity collections strong in small press and ephemera
        and the difficulty with thief and mutilation.

    F.  Policy and Planning Will coordinate with section Policy and
        Planning committees.  They have added the charge of election
        publication to Publication and Programming. Report from the
        ALCTS Newsletter editor encouraged submissions.
        Preservation as a topic is a low percentage of types of

    VI.  Reports of PARS Committee /Discussion Groups

    A.  Books & Paper Committee.  Debra McKern reported that the
        Library Binding DG would like to have a listserv similar to
        the Preservation Instructors and Workshop DG to come out of
        the ALCTS office. The task force on field testing on Library
        Binding will include adhesive labels (bar-code and call
        number) and will work with ASTM.  A suggested amended charge
        was sent to Policy and Planning.

    B.  Program Planning and Publications Committee.  Tom Clareson
        reported a request for co- sponsorship (in name only) with
        the Science section of ACRL for a program on preservation of
        science materials for Chicago conference.  Executive
        committee voted unanimously to accept the invitation for
        jointly sponsored program "Preserving the Record of Science
        & Technical Literature:  A Call to Action The liaison is
        Jennifer Younger- chair of the sub-committee preserving
        science materials.

        Approved program for Chicago jointly sponsored with LAMA
        "Why me? Integrating Preservation in operations." (Chair Tom

        Tom announced that there is a need for institutes and
        pre-conferences and programs for 1996.  The 18 month lead
        time now required by ALCTS causes some concern .  No
        programs were approved for 1996.

        Clarification is needed to assure that Programs and Pub does
        programs and not the Education Committee which however was
        encouraged to submit ideas.

        The need for planning was emphasized.

    C.  Photographic and Recording Media Committee.  (Marcella
        Grendler) Task force was formed to undertake a review of the
        literature on audio preservation for possible pub and
        assessment of standards.  Mark Roosa chair.  Task force for
        videotape with same purpose.  Ivan Hanthorn Chair.  Charge:
        The Task force will undertake a review of the published
        literature on () preservation and contact relevant
        professional organizations on works in progress, with the
        aim of producing a publication which identifies the best
        works now available.  Members will note the presence or
        absence of standards in () preservation, and seek to
        identify area where current consensus on practice might lead
        to the promotion of standards.

    D.  Reformatting Committee Will Meridith reported on the AIIM
        activities and the need for input from the Standards
        Committee for C20--Library and Archives Standards
        Committee..  There is a proposal to make a joint committee
        of AIIM and ALA. for Information and Image Management It was
        felt that a library voice was needed. . It was suggested
        that AIIM be invited to come to ALA.  Executive committee
        referred back to Reformatting Committee a request to explore
        the benefits of AIIM liaison work for standards, including
        library binders and ISO standards.

    E.  Policy and Planning Committee.  The PARS Policy and Bylaws
        deals the the charges to committees.  Tom Clareson asked
        Lorraine Olley for a copy of the Policy.

    F.  Education committee.  Executive committee asked the
        education committee to draft a PARS response to the new
        ALCTS education policy. Clarification was made concerning
        programming. Committees go to their respective Discussion
        Groups for ideas for action.  Clarification of lines of
        action should come through Policy and Planning.

    G.  Preservation Administration Discussion Group George Farr
        talked about the reauthorization and funding for NEH.

    H.  Cooperative Preservation Programs DG--(Sheryl Davis) the
        need for sources of funding after a disaster were discussed
        and need for liaison work with NIC and FEMA.  Tom Clareson
        taking information about Cooperatives to
        FEMA/NIC/Getty/ group meeting in March. Presented a
        request that Cooperatives DG be scheduled for Friday morning
        so that it would not overlap with Preservation
        Administration DG since many people wish to go to both.  One
        problem is that CMDS meets then. The change won't happen in
        Chicago, but may happen in the future.

    I.  Preservation Course & workshop Instructors DG No action
        items. (Sharlene Grant)

    J.  Task force collection Conservation (Marcia Watt) Suggested
        that task force be linked to Books and Paper Comm.

    K.  Physical Quality and Treatment of Library Materials
        Discussion Group (Julian Stam) voted not to support the
        Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT) proposal to
        support the use of nonchlorine bleached paper.

    Other Business

    A.  The ALA Preservation Policy and implementation will come out
        of PARS.  An updated report in the four focus areas is due
        out in June and will be shared with the ALCTS board and
        published in American Libraries with follow up by a long
        term publication.

    Jeanne Drewes
    PARS Secretary
    840 South First St. No. 6
    Ann Arbor, MI  48103
    Fax: 313-936-8193

Debra McKern
Acting Chief, Binding Office
Preservation Directorate
Library of Congress
Washington, DC   20540

                   Conservation DistList Instance 9:3
                   Distributed: Monday, June 19, 1995
                        Message Id: cdl-9-3-008
Received on Monday, 19 June, 1995

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