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Subject: IMS, NEH, NEA reauthorization and appropriations

IMS, NEH, NEA reauthorization and appropriations

From: Walter Henry <whenry>
Date: Friday, February 3, 1995
    To:     AIC Members
    From:   Sarah Z. Rosenberg
    Subject: Urgent need for calls or letters supporting the
            reauthorization of and appropriations for the IMS, NEH, and NEA.
    Date:   31 Jan 95

    As I indicated in January AIC News, reauthorization of and
    appropriations for the three federal cultural agencies is in
    jeopardy. Each of these agencies provides funding for conservation
    projects that is essential to the future well-being of the
    profession.  During the past fiscal year they funded conservation
    projects totaling nearly $10 million dollars which was often
    increased five-fold by the matching funds each project raised.
    Elimination of these agencies could mean a loss of $50 million in
    work for conservators and could throw the whole arts support
    structure into crisis.  Support for the reauthorization of and
    funding for the cultural agencies should not be a partisan issue.
    Both parties should value the preservation of our national

    If you have already written to your congressional delegation, thank
    you and please send me a copy.  If you have yet to write, please
    note that 60 national arts and humanities organizations established
    a 1-800-651-1575 number to assist supporters of the agencies in
    sending a unified message to Congress.  For $9.50, three Western
    Union mailgrams will be hand delivered the next day to the caller's
    U.S. Representative and two U.S. Senators.  The mailgram will
    address the reasons for supporting these agencies.  Please act
    now--all you have to do is call.

    If your Senator or Representative is on one of the authorization or
    appropriations subcommittees listed below, it is particularly
    crucial that you make your views known to them.

    Addressing Correspondence:

    To a Senator:

        The Honorable (full name)
        United States Senate
        Washington, DC 20510

        Dear Senator (last name):

    To a Representative:

        The Honorable (full name)
        United States House of Representatives
        Washington, DC 20515

        Dear Congressman or
        Congresswoman (last name):

    Senate Reauthorization

        Labor and Human Resources Committee
            Nancy Kassebaum KS, Chair
            Ted Kennedy, MA, Ranking Minority

        Subcommittee on Education, Arts, and Humanities

            Jim Jeffords VT, chair
            Nancy Kassebaum KS
            Dan Coats IN
            Judd Gregg NH
            Bill Frist TN
            Michael Dewine OH
            John Ashcroft MO
            Spencer Abraham MI
            Slade Gorton WA
            Claiborne Pell RI, ranking minority
            Edward Kennedy MA
            Christopher Dodd CT
            Paul Simon IL
            Tom Harkin IA
            Barbara Mikulski MD
            Paul Wellstone MN

    House Reauthorization

        Economic and Educational Opportunities Committee

            Bill Goodling PA, Chair*
            Thomas Petri WI
            Marge Roukema NJ
            Steve Gunderson WI*
            Harris Fawell IL
            Cass Ballenger NC
            Bill Barrett NE
            Randy "Duke" Cunningham CA**
            Peter Hoekstra MI
            Buck McKeon CA
            Mike Castle DE*
            Jan Meyers KS
            Sam Johnson TX*
            Jim Talent MO
            Jim Greenwood PA*
            Tim Hutchinson AR
            Joe Knollenberg MI
            Frank Riggs CA*
            Lindsey Graham SC
            Dave Weldon FL*
            David Funderburk NC
            Mark Souder IN*
            David McIntosh IN*
            Charlie Norwood GA
            William Clay MO, Ranking Minority
            George Miller CA*
            Dale Kildee MI**
            Pat Williams MT
            Matthew Martinez CA
            Major Owens NY
            Tom Sawyer OH
            Donald Payne NJ*
            Patsy Mink HI*
            Robert Andrews NJ
            Jack Reed RI
            Tim Roemer IN
            Eliot Engel NY*
            Xavier Becerra CA
            Robert Scott VA*
            Gene Green TX
            Lynn Woolsey CA
            Carlos Romero-Barcelo PR*
            Mel Reynolds IL

            * Members of Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Youth, and
            Families which has jurisdiction over arts & humanities�but
            at this point it looks like reauthorization will be handled
            by the full committee.

            ** Subcommittee chair and ranking minority member

    Senate Appropriations

        Mark Hatfield OR, Chair
        Robert Byrd WV, Ranking Minority

        Subcommittee on the Interior

            Slade Gorton WA, chair
            Ted Stevens AK
            Thad Cochran MS
            Pete Domenici NM
            Mark Hatfield OR
            Conrad Burns MT
            Robert Bennett UT
            Connie Mack FL
            Robert Byrd WV, ranking minority
            Bennett Johnston LA
            Patrick Leahy VT
            Dale Bumpers AR
            Ernest Hollings SC
            Harry Reid NV
            Patty Murray WA

    House Appropriations

        Bob Livingston LA, Chair
        David Obey WI, Ranking Minority

        Subcommittee on Interior and Related Agencies

            Ralph Regula OH, Chair
            Bob Livingston LA
            Joseph McDade PA
            Jim Kolbe AZ
            Joe Skeen NM
            Barbara Vucanovich NV
            Charles H. Taylor NC
            George Nethercutt WA
            Jim Bunn OR
            Sidney Yates IL, Ranking Minority
            David Obey WI
            Norman Dicks WA
            Tom Bevill AL
            David Skaggs CO

    Sarah Z. Rosenberg
    American Institute for Conservation
      of Historic and Artistic Works
    1717 K Street, NW, Suite 301
    Washington, DC  20006
    Fax: 202-452-9328

                  Conservation DistList Instance 8:61
                 Distributed: Friday, February 3, 1995
                        Message Id: cdl-8-61-002
Received on Friday, 3 February, 1995

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