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Subject: ALCTS institute on library binding

ALCTS institute on library binding

From: Lisa Fox <lfox>
Date: Monday, August 1, 1994
"New Directions in Library Binding" Institute
September 30-October 1, 1994
Normandy Inn, Minneapolis, Minnesota

This institute is designed to train library staff in the administrative
and operational functions of a library binding program. Supervisors of
serials, technical services, binding and preservation units will find
the curriculum most useful.

Goals and Objectives

    Through a detailed understanding of changes in the processes and
    materials used by library binders, participants will learn to
    administer, evaluate and improve their operations to provide an
    effective, preservation-conscious binding program.

Using plenary sessions and small group practicums, the institute will:

    *   assess binding methods available under the LBI Standard for
        Library Binding (8th ed.)

    *   offer hands-on instruction for implementing a process for
        choosing binding methods

    *   provide guidelines for establishing library specifications for
        specific binding tasks

    *   provide guidelines for identifying volumes that should not or
        cannot be bound and outline alternative ways of preserving them

    *   offer recommendations for reorienting and upgrading the library
        binding program


    A block of rooms has been reserved at the Normandy Inn, the site of
    the institute, at a special conference rate of $75.00 for a single
    or double room until September 8. Call the hotel directly for your
    reservation, mentioning the ALA/ALCTS Institute on Library Binding.
    The phone number is 612-370-1400.

Fees and Registration

    Registration fees are $145 for ALCTS members, $190 for ALA members,
    and $235 for non-members.  Registration will be accepted in order of
    receipt for up to the maximum of 100 people, and must be postmarked,
    faxed, or telephoned by September 15, 1994. Cancellations will be
    accepted only until September 15, 1994 (subject to a $25 processing


    Wes Boomgaarden (Ohio State University)
    Gregor Campbell (Campbell-Logan Bindery)
    John Dayton (Consultant, Kingsport, Tenn.)
    Carol Eyler (Mercer University)
    Sally Grauer (Library Binding Institute)
    Ivan Hanthorn (Iowa State University)
    Fritz James (Library Binding Service)
    James Mason (Kansas State University)
    Jan Merrill-Oldham (University of Connecticut)
    Paul Parisi (Acme Bookbinding).

Program Outline

Friday, September 30, 1994

    8:15-8:45   Continental breakfast, registration

    8:45-9:00   Welcome -- Sally Grauer (Library Binding Institute)

    9:00-9:30   Library Binding in the 1990s: An Industry Still
        Changing--Gregor Campbell. The president of the Library Binding
        Institute defines the industry and looks to the future of
        library binding.

    9:30-10:30  The Making of the Modern Book--John Dayton. The
        knowledge of what makes a publishers' binding is necessary to
        understanding the process of library binding.

    10:30-11:00 Break

    11:00-noon  A Book and a Binding: Making Sense of the
        Possibilities--Jan Merrill-Oldham. Methods of leaf attachment
        are the heart of library binding, and understanding them is
        crucial to effective decision-making.

    Noon-1:30 Lunch--Courtesy of Library Binding Institute, Sally
        Grauer, Executive Director.

    1:30-2:00  A Book and a Binding, continued.

    2:00-2:30  Library Binding: A Shared Responsibility, A Collaborative
        Effort (videotape)

    2:30-3:00  Break

    3:00-5:00  Preservation Decision-Making (small group
        practicums)--Members of the faculty.

Saturday, October 1

    8:30-9:00   Continental breakfast

    9:00-9:30   Binding Materials, Traditional and New--Fritz James. An
        overview of the quality materials used in library binding as
        well as the latest in automated equipment for the bindery.

    9:30-10:30  Weighing the Technical Options--Paul Parisi. The Library
        Binding Institute _Standard for Library Binding_ and the ALA
        _Guide_ offer many options that make library binding a complex
        process.  Here's how best to make good choices.

    10:30-11:00  Break

    11:00-11:45  Collections Conservation: Complement and Substitute for
        Library Binding--Wes Boomgaarden. The relationship between
        in-house repair and library binding offers new options to a
        library's binding program.

    11:45-1:15  Lunch (on your own)

    1:15-2:00   Managing a Quality Control Program That Makes the
        Quality Difference--Carol Eyler.  Explores the librarian's
        crucial role in assuring high quality library binding via a
        thorough understanding of binding principles and practice,
        vigorous inspection of materials, and ongoing communication with
        the binder.

    2:00-2:45   Panel Discussion. Panelists will respond to a series of

    2:45-3:00   Star Gazing--Jan Merrill-Oldham. Thoughts about the
        knowledge gained from the Institute and a look to the future.

    3:00-3:05   Concluding Remarks--Sally Grauer


                       Registration Form   (4543)

  Association for Library Collections & Technical Services
  New Directions In Library Binding
  September 30-October 1, 1994
  Normandy Inn, Minneapolis, Minnesota

  You may register by phone, fax, e-mail, or mail.
  Mail: Complete this page and mail it with payment to:
    Institute on Library Binding
    50 E. Huron St.
    Chicago, IL 60611.
  Fax:  Complete this page and fax with payment information to
  Phone:  Call Yvonne McLean at 800-545-2433, ext. 5032.
  E-Mail: Send registration information to Yvonne A. McLean at
  yvonne.mclean [at] ala__org (credit card or purchase order only).

  Check, money order, governmental purchase order, or credit card charge
  must accompany registration to reserve space at the institute.  Make
  checks payable to ALA/ALCTS.

  Please reserve my space for the "New Directions in Library Binding"

  __  Check or Money Order      __  Governmental Purchase Order
  __  VISA      __  Master Card       __  American Express

  Card number __________________________________   Exp _____________

  Signature (Signature required for all charges)

  __    ALA/ALCTS Personal Member    $145
  __    ALA Personal Member          $190
  __    Non-ALA Member               $235
         (Staff members of organizational
         members cannot be considered personal members.)

  Name (as it should appear on badge) ____________________________

  Title ____________________________________________________

  Organization Name (as it should appear on badge) __________________

  Organization address ________________________________________

  City ________________________________  State _____  Zip __________

  Preferred mailing address (if different than above):

    City ________________________________   State _____ Zip __________

  Telephone (Office) (         )  _______________________
              (Home) (        ) _________________________

  E-Mail Address ______________________________________________

  ALA Membership Number _______________________________________

Lisa L. Fox
840 Rosedale Ave.
Atlanta, GA 30312-3626

                  Conservation DistList Instance 8:11
                  Distributed: Monday, August 1, 1994
                        Message Id: cdl-8-11-014
Received on Monday, 1 August, 1994

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