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Subject: Publication about ink

Publication about ink

From: Richard Saunders <alirs%msu.dnet>
Date: Tuesday, December 14, 1993
I stumbled across a handy little publication I recommend to
conservators, archivists and the like.  It is titled simply "Inks", and
was distributed as Circular C426 from the National Bureau of Standards
in 1940.  I'm sure it was superseded by revisions, but it is still a
very handy source item for information on ink compositions from the 17th
to mid 20th centuries.

I also dug out a quote I copied from an anonymous source.  It is as true
today as when it was written into the 12th century manuscript from which
it was copied.

   "Just as hail plays havoc with the fruits of spring, so a careless
    reader is a bane to books and writing--"

Richard Saunders
Montana State University

                  Conservation DistList Instance 7:45
                Distributed: Thursday, December 16, 1993
                        Message Id: cdl-7-45-008
Received on Tuesday, 14 December, 1993

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