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Date: Tue, 26 Jan 99 08:50:19 -0800
From: "Julie Page"<julie_page@ucsdlibrary.ucsd.edu>
To: <calprestf-l@lists.stanford.edu>

     California Preservation TF folks -- 
     The deadline is coming up for registration for the Binding Institute 
     in Los Angeles.  I hope some of you will be sending staff or know of 
     others on the West Coast that might be interested. This is a great 
     training opportunity for libraries statewide.  Please pass the word 
     along.  If you have any questions, please contact me or Kay Walter 
     (kayw@unllib.unl.edu) as co-chairs. Thanks.
     Julie Page 
     UC San Diego
The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) 
Preservation and Reformatting Section will sponsor a regional institute 
titled "New Directions in Library Binding" to be held in Los Angeles, 
March 11-12, 1999.  The registration deadline is February 24, 1999. 
This institute is designed to train library staff in the administrative 
and operational functions of a library binding program. Supervisors of 
serials, technical services, binding, and preservation units will find the 
curriculum most useful.
Increasing numbers of librarians are beginning to recognize that the 
careful, appropriate binding and rebinding of books and serials are key 
elements in preserving their collections.  As the profession faces the 
accelerating deterioration of acidic paper, the damaging effects of 
photocopying, and the declining quality of many publishers' bindings, it 
becomes clear that library bindings must be not only strong, but also 
This institute will assess binding methods available under the
Library Binding Institute Standard for Library Binding (8th ed.); provide 
information on the new draft ANSI/NISO/LBI Standard for Library Binding;
offer hands-on instruction in choosing binding methods; outline criteria 
for establishing library specifications for particular binding tasks; 
describe simple repair techniques that can buttress your library binding 
program, and outline options for volumes that cannot or should not be 
bound; and offer recommendations for reorienting and enhancing your 
library binding program. 
The institute includes eight plenary sessions, each with time for 
questions and discussion.  Small group practica will train attendees to 
make binding decisions and manage quality control operations. The 
documentary film "Library Binding: A Shared Responsibility, A 
Collaborative Effort" will be shown.  An optional tour of the Kater-Crafts 
Bookbinders in nearby Pico Rivera on Saturday, March 13, 1999 will
allow participants to observe some of the methods and practices
discussed in the institute and will help your staff evaluate the work of
The faculty includes: Sally Moyer (Library Binding Institute), Paul Parisi 
(Acme Bookbinding Company), Fritz James (Library Binding Service),
Lynn Jones (University of California (Berkeley)), Wesley Boomgaarden
(Ohio State University), Carol Eyler (South St. Paul (MN)  Public Library),
and Thomas Clareson (AMIGOS Bibliographic Council). 
Registration fees for the institute are $195 for ALCTS members, $245 
for ALA members, and $280 for non-members.  The fee for the optional 
bindery tour is $35, which must be paid at the time of registration.
For registration information contact Yvonne McLean at 800/545-2433, 
ext. 5032 or e-mail ymclean@ala.org. An electronic brochure with 
registration form is also available on the ALCTS web site, 
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