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Commercial Records Center Fire Oct 29

Here is a message from a records manager in Chicago concerning a
serious fire in a commercial records center:

On Tuesday, October 29, fire broke out in the Brambles / Data Vault
Systems records center facility at 3001 N. Knox Ave. in Chicago. 
Damage is extensive, although the exact extent is currently unknown.
The cause is undetermined at this time.

The other public facts are that the building was of concrete construction
and that it was very difficult for the fire department to get to the seat of
the fire. As of yesterday (Thursday) afternoon, they were still putting out
hot spots. As of today (Friday) at Noon, the fire department had not
released the building back to Brambles. Also, as the fire department was
attempting to ventilate and get access to the building, they had to pull
down a wall and pull out (with mechanical equipment) everything on the
other side of the wall... racks, boxes, etc. All of this material was
dumped into a dump truck. I do not know the truck's destination, nor do I
wish to speculate on this aspect of the matter. I have not witnessed the
condition of the material pulled out (burned, unburned, etc.), but the
observation of a representative of my client's company (the Business
Recovery Coordinator) was that the material may have been at least
partially salvagable up to the point in which it was dumped in the truck.
Keep in mind the exigencies of the situation, etc., however.

More information will be reported as it is made available.
--  Patrick Cunningham, CRM
Senior Consultant
Whittman-Hart, Inc.
311 S. Wacker Drive
Suite 3500
Chicago, IL  60606-6618

(312) 913-6691
(312) 913-3100 FAX



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