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forwarded message re disaster planning

Here is an interesting message from Galen Wilson, who is the National
Archives and Records Administration's (NARA) appraisal archivist at the
Los Angeles Federal Records Center in Laguna Niguel.  The federal
building he refers to is a multi-agency pyramidical ediface known locally
as the "Zigurat"
Thought I would pass on a real-life tale which points up the necessity of
frequent drill for disaster preparedness teams, and indeed the entire
staff of a facility.

Yesterday our [reference supervisor] attended our building's Occupant
Emergency Preparedness committee meeting--with representation from
each agency in our building.  He discovered that he was the ONLY
person at the meeting whose participation in the committee went back
beyond 1994, and as a result, he was the only person present who
knew anything about the 1994 purchase of walkie-talkies which were to
be used during an emergency.  We had a fire drill last week, and NARA
turned out to be the only agency who had a walkie-talkie outside the
building after the evacuation.

What this points up, of course, is that staff turnover has resulted in new
people on our OEP committee, and that somehow the important
information about the purpose and use of walkie-talkies during an
emergency (not to mention the equipment itself) has not been transferred
to the new people.  Hence the need for frequent drill!

Just something to keep in mind when teaching classes and preaching the
gospel of practice, practice, practice.


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