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June 28 Minutes


Location:  Mills College

Richard Boyden, National Archives  & Records Administration
Janice Braun, Mills College
Pamela Heiman, UC Berkeley (Intern)
Lynn Jones, UC Berkeley
Marilyn McDonald, Foothill-DeAnza Community College District
Kathy Orlenko, NARA
Charles Varnes, UC Berkeley (Intern)
Helene Whitson, SFSU

The meeting was called to order by RB. MM distributed the Treasurer�s
Report which reflects revenues and expenses associated with the June 7
symposium. RB thanked MM and the Berkeley Interns for their extra help
with the June 7 event.  

The June 7 symposium was reviewed. Evaluations were passed around and
discussed--overall the evaluations were positive. Comments were made on
the length and style of some of the presentations. It was suggested that
the evaluation form for future events include space for additional
information, such as interest in membership and suggestions for
programs. Attendance at the symposium included a large number
(approximately 70%) of employees in records and administrative
positions, many from governmental agencies.

Mutual response was discussed. Paul Wakeford is continuing to work on
this. Letters of support have been received from Hastings, UC Santa
Cruz, and Mills. (Update: UCSF, NARA, and SJSU have also expressed
support.) NARA may purchase a container for supplies and would be one of
at least five sites. MM distributed a map of the network regions (as
suggested by the California State Preservation Plan). Regions which
could be included in the network were discussed. In general, ten Bay
Area counties (including Santa Cruz, but excluding Monterey, San Benito,
Mendocino, and Lake counties) could participate. However, anyone who is
interested in forming their own network would be urged to avail
themselves of BAPNet�s experience. The Berkeley Interns are doing
disaster planning workshops in Eureka, Redding, Oroville, South Lake
Tahoe, and Sacramento.

Planning for future programs was discussed:

--San Jose Fire demonstration will take place on October 5, 1996 from 9
a.m.-3 p.m. There was a discussion regarding a fee for the
demonstration, since BAPNet will incur very little or no expense other
than photocopying and postage. MM moved that there be a $20 charge for
non-members (includes a membership and lunch) and a $10 charge for
members (includes lunch). The motion was seconded and passed
unanimously. It was agreed that a tri-fold brochure be mailed to
publicize this event. The possibility that talks on mutual response for
fires and sprinkler systems be added to the program was discussed.

--Disaster planning for mixed formats (i.e., not books, but other
printed material such as records) with hands-on training and role
playing. This workshop could be facilitated by someone from Southern
California, but would also draw on local expertise. A tentative date of
February 7, 1997 was suggested. The charge will be $25-50, including
lunch. Registration will be limited to 25-40 people. 
--A Spring 1997 meeting was proposed. This could be an opportunity to
renew membership (or this could be done via a mailing). A two hour
meeting for recovery of non-print material was suggested.
 The next BAPNet business meeting will take place on August 1, 1996 at a
place to be determined.

Janice Braun, 7/12/96
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