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Meeting on August 1st

Hi Everyone--

I have reserved room 303 in the Doe Library on the Berkeley campus for our
next Bapnet meeting, on Thursday August 1, from 10 - 12.  I presume we are
still planning to have this meeting (no changes), Richard?  Is there an

Room 303 is at the northwest corner of the Doe Library.  Parking in 
Berkeley is horrible, if you can find a metered spot at the perimeter 
streets that might be best, or go to a parking lot (approx $6 per day) on 
Bancroft, or the underground lot at the ASUC building on Bancroft Way 
just west of Telegraph. 

BART is probably easiest, after all.

No food or drink is permitted in the library, but if you get coffee you 
can carry it in when it's in a paperbag.  

What have I forgotten?

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