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Two items:

1.  re next week's meeting diections to Foothill College said "turn right" on
El Monte Road after geting off I-280.  This only works if you're coming
from the north.  If you're coming from the south, turn left.  Good luck.

2.  Earlier this year, Leslie Masunaga converyed George Bradford's offer
to put on a fire-on-records demonstration at the San Jose FD's training

Today he sends the following message:


Lessie and I made a tennative date of Oct. 26, 1996 for the work shop.
I have reserved the SJFD training tower and class room for the whole
day.   Aug/96 is too busy for outside use of the tower. We need a
planning meeting.  I am really busy till the end of June. Go ahead and
make your announcement.  Line up some instructors or speakers. I will
take care of Logistics and control of the live fire.  GB"

Anyone have any ideas for how we should structure this?  Speaker (s)?
Please let me know.  We will add this item to our agenda under programs 

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