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Message from LAPNET

This is a message I received last week from Chris Coleman, Los Angeles
Preservation Network (and UCLA), plus my reply

From: Christopher Coleman <ECZ5CDC@MVS.OAC.UCLA.EDU>
To:     	Richard Boyden <richard.boyden@SANBRUNO.NARA.GOV>
Date: 	   2/28/96 8:26pm
Subject: Re: Per conversation


I am sorry to have been so long replying to this. As I recall you wanted to
know who might be a good speaker for the packout/wet book/vendors

Sheryl Davis (UCR) does a good presentation on these elements, but she
is over her ears in assignments and has dropped out of some LAPNet
things, so I doubt if she will be prepared to do this. However, you might
want to ask her about whom she might recommend (someone already in
Northern Cal.)

Romaine Ahlstrom (LA Public Library) has had direct experience in all
these areas of disaster response. She can address these issues and is
an excellent speaker. 

The program outline looks very interesting. It should provide lots of good
information for attendees. I like the fact that you want a number of
presenters, rather than a few, who will speak for lengthy periods. In my
LAPNet experience I have found that people prefer the briefer talks and
respond well to a variety of presentation styles. Only a very few
speakers have the vocal range to hold an audience through a long
presentation, especially when it is filled with info they want to make
notes on.

I hope you will get positive responses from Sheryl and Romaine. I shall
forward this to both of them, so they will have time to think about it
before speaking with you.

So far as other developments are concerned, LAPNet committee
members are willing to consider coming up to the Bay Area as
presenters (flight, accommodations, etc. covered, of course). They are
also happy to consider joint programming and the development of
programs and workshops that can be given in various parts of the state.
LAPNet has developed a number of presentations together with the
Inland Empire Library Disaster Response Network (IELDRN), which is
chaired by Sheryl Davis.

If you would like copies of the fliers for recent LAPNet events, I will mail
them to you.   Not much more to add apart from wishing you good luck in
developing the program and getting speakers.

Best wishes,


From: Richard Boyden
Date: 	2/29/96 4:36pm
Subject: 	Re: Per conversation -Reply

Thanks for all the great ideas.  It turns out that we have asked Sheryl
Davis to come and present, not on packout, but on mutual response, and
it seems likely at this point that she will accept.  I spoke with Romaine
Ahlstrom not long ago and she thought that her packout experience
having been with books, not records and archives, would limit her
effectiveness.   It looks like we are probably going to forego a specific
packout talk but we have a very full program now.

I'm sure our committee will be very interested to hear your ideas for joint

Thanks again



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