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You must post from the machine you signed on with

Please not that you must post messages to bap@lists.stanford.edu from
the *same* machine you signed on with or your message will be bounced
coming from a non-list-member. I know this is a bit inconvenient, but
(if Julia will excuse me for using her message as an example)
there's no way for our machines to know that:

>From: "Julia O'Keefe  Julia W." <JOKeefe@mailer.scu.edu>

refers to the same human as the person who signed up as:

>"Julia O'Keefe" <jokeefe@scuacc.scu.edu>

Right now the only alternative would be to allow postings from
non-list-members, and then it's only a matter of time before we start
getting spammed, and that's a major pain. I'm working on a solution,
but can't promise anything, so for the immediate future, please be
sure that you post from the machine you subscribed from.

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server.  If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send the
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