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[AV Media Matters] Quadriga audio archiving and metadata system

Dear List

I am interested to know more about the use of Quadriga or other audio
archiving and metadata systems outside continental Europe and Australia.

In mid-2002 we in Australia were described as the second largest user
of Quadriga, in a trend that began with our various national audiovisual
archives and is now being expanded into state libraries (my area of
interest) and universities.

As background, Houpert Digital Audio (HDA) in Germany developed the
system in the 1990s for the supervised transfer of single media archives
the massive government-owned European radio archives on 1/4" tape) to
digital mass storage systems (based on the Broadcast Wav File format).
Australia our national audiovisual archives have required more
in Quadriga, and HDA has been receptive to the more diverse needs of
multimedia audiovisual archives. 

To date, the only US reference to Quadriga I have come across is
Audio Restoration Services in Santa Monica.

Can list members tell me about their use of/interest in dedicated audio
archiving systems based on digital mass storage rather than physical
(ie CD-R) and in particular their use of/interest in Quadriga? 

Information on or off-list would be much appreciated as I am renewing
efforts to graduate to this kind of technology at my institution.

Beth M Robertson
Coordinator, Preservation
State Library of South Australia
Telephone +61 8 8207 7212
Fax +61 8 8207 7274
Email Robertson.Beth@slsa.sa.gov.au

This email was sent to: waiscool@cool.conservation-us.org

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