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Re: [AV Media Matters] The FILE is the thing !Was-DigitizingAudio and Vide

Question, can I use the numbers below to 1) calculate how big my miniDV files will be when I park them on a hard drive (ex: 10minx60sec/minx29Mb/sec=17.40Gb per 10 min of DV, roughly 105Gb
hour then), (not sure if b= bits and B=Bytes)?? 

b=bits, B=Bytes. My rule of thumb is 13 GBytes per hour for DV25 when I'm out buying disks.

See http://www.adamwilt.com/DV-FAQ-editing.html#DataRate for the raw numbers for QuickTime and DV Stream storage. AVI and OpenDML numbers should be close.

And 2), how will this convert to a burnt DVD?

It converts to MPEG-2 Long GOP, at a bit rate somewhere between 1.5
and 9 Mbits/sec. The exact rate depends on your compression engine and
the options it provides you (doesn't iDVD give you two choices on play
time vs. data rate?). But it's still compressed to within an inch of its life; it's a "distribution" or "delivery" level of compression, not a "production", "contribution", or "mezzanine" level of compression. While it looks good, it's not meant to be subjected to any further compression cycles. If you want to preserve more quality, copy the DV files directly, as data, to a DVD. Of course, they won't play back in your DVD player that way.

adam wilt / video geek / menlo park ca usa

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