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Re: [AV Media Matters] The FILE is the thing ! Was -DigitizingAudio and Vide

Consumer DV (DV compression) 25Mb/s
DVC-PRO (and related formats) 25, 50, and 100Mb/s (100 is High Def)

That's just the video stream. With audio and data, DV25 is more like 28-29 Mbit/sec, and the others scale proportionally.

Compressed High Definition Video 100Mb/s (DVC-ProHD) and
   360Mb/s (HD-D5)

And HDCAM: 135 Mbit/sec.

Uncompressed High Definition Video 1500Mb/s

For 4:2:2, never mind the 4:4:4 of HDCAM-SR, or the Thompson Viper. And the Dalsa Origin is around 1.2 GBYTES/sec!

Don't get me started on digital intermediates for the mopix industry. The new CML list is entitled cml-2k-444 and has started off with a discussion of scanning at 6k resolution! I don't even want to THINK about the storage requirements... ;-)

adam wilt / video geek / menlo park ca usa

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