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Re: [AV Media Matters] Spam filters from hell

I also object to this "spam." I called Victory Studios and was informed
that topica.com is on their spam list. I was assured that this would be
corrected. Apparently it is not. Viewing the source, the message was
originated by spam@victorystudios.com. I suggest that the moderator
contact Victory Studios and, if corrective action is not taken, remove
the offender @victorystudios.com.

J. Hartke
Media Sciences, Inc.

Moderators Comment:
There is no subscriber at victorystudios.com or at American production
services - I had already tried all the obvious solutions - I eventually
went through the entire list and tracked down the domain - APSNW.com and
that subscriber is no more. Let's see if that worked.
No promises....

eric@lab-tech-systems.com wrote:
> Is anyone else getting these ridiculous messages (below)?  Each time I
> sent a message to the Media Matters list I got this automated response
> from The Victory Studios (or whomever).  I guess the MM list sends out
> messages with the original writer's name as the sender, rather than
> list itself, but I have no idea what the rest of it is.  My outgoing
> mail server is verizon.net, so that covers an awful lot of mailboxes!
> -- Eric Wenocur
> Lab Tech Systems
> Moderators comment:
> Only the person making the post gets it. I would love to know who the
> subscriber is who works for Victory Studios - and I would bounce then
> off the list - but there is no subscriber with that domain name - and
> there are more then 870 of us now so an examination more detailed then
> that is not possible - so do what I do.... delete. On the other hand -
> you could call the telephone number listed and give them a hard
> I won't object...
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: FAILED:  Re: [AV Media Matters] SVHS Correction &
> Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 12:49:29 -0800
> From: do not reply - APS/Victory Studios <spam@victorystudios.com>
> To: 'eric@lab-tech-systems.com' <eric@lab-tech-systems.com>
> Your email to The Victory Studios / American Production Services has
> been
> blocked because your mail server is on an Internet blacklist of IP
> addresses
> that are accused of sending out unsolicited bulk email. The email you
> sent
> was not received by The Victory Studios / American Production
> Please note that if this email was a contribution to an email
> or
> group list, that it is the mailserver for those who administer the
> that
> has been blacklisted, and not yours. This email is an auto-response -
> not
> attempt to reply to this email as your reply will be blocked also. The
> particular blacklist you are on is one that reports to
> http://www.relays.osirusoft.com.
> We at the Victory Studios recognize that periodically this blacklist
> include addresses that belong to our customers and vendors, and we
> apologize
> for any inconvenience this has caused you. We know that this is a
> irritation, but we thought you should know that you have been put on
> this
> blacklist because some recipients of your mail may not have the
> to
> inform you that your mail was rejected. Here are the steps you can
> to
> correct this problem:
> 1. Contact Alan or Brandon at The Victory Studios Seattle office -
> 282-1776. We will immediately add your mail server's IP address to our
> "friendly IP" list so that you will never receive these emails from us
> again. If this relates to an email newsletter or group list that is
> related
> to the video/film industry, please let us know about any key words in
> the
> subject or content of all messages that will help us to let these
> messages
> pass through in the future.  If you receive this  message outside of
> regular
> office hours, forward your email to noRBL@apsseattle.com and we will
> forward
> it to the appropriate party and then add your address to our "friendly
> list". You don't need to know the IP address - we can look up the mail
> in
> our rejected mail log files and allow future mail from your server to
> through. If you have the subject of the mail, the date and/or time
> and
> your email address handy this will help us locate the mail.
> 2. Getting off the blacklist may be difficult. Either contact your ISP
> (Internet Service Provider) and let them know that your IP address has
> been
> blacklisted, or if you have an network administrator who is adequately
> skilled, have them attempt to get you de-listed by going to the
> http://www.relays.osirusoft.com website. Tell this person that it is
> possible that you have what is known as an "open relay" on your mail
> server
> and that hackers on the outside have taken advantage of your mail
> to
> send unsolicited commercial email (spam) to others. Also let them know
> that
> the osirusoft website is sometimes a bit cryptic, and that a good
> to
> start is at http://www.relays.osirusoft.com/cgi-bin/rbcheck.cgi.
> Again, if the mail you sent was not unsolicited commercial mail, we
> sincerely apologize for this incident and hope that you can understand
> our
> desire to eliminate junk email from our system.
> -Alan Denke
> The Victory Studios

This email was sent to: waiscool@cool.conservation-us.org

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