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[AV Media Matters] Spam filters from hell

Is anyone else getting these ridiculous messages (below)? Each time I sent a message to the Media Matters list I got this automated response from The Victory Studios (or whomever). I guess the MM list sends out messages with the original writer's name as the sender, rather than the list itself, but I have no idea what the rest of it is. My outgoing mail server is verizon.net, so that covers an awful lot of mailboxes!

-- Eric Wenocur
Lab Tech Systems

Moderators comment:
Only the person making the post gets it. I would love to know who the
subscriber is who works for Victory Studios - and I would bounce then
off the list - but there is no subscriber with that domain name - and
there are more then 870 of us now so an examination more detailed then
that is not possible - so do what I do.... delete. On the other hand -
you could call the telephone number listed and give them a hard time....
I won't object...

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FAILED:  Re: [AV Media Matters] SVHS Correction & Preservation
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 12:49:29 -0800
From: do not reply - APS/Victory Studios <spam@victorystudios.com>
To: 'eric@lab-tech-systems.com' <eric@lab-tech-systems.com>

Your email to The Victory Studios / American Production Services has been blocked because your mail server is on an Internet blacklist of IP addresses that are accused of sending out unsolicited bulk email. The email you sent was not received by The Victory Studios / American Production Services. Please note that if this email was a contribution to an email newsletter or group list, that it is the mailserver for those who administer the list that has been blacklisted, and not yours. This email is an auto-response - do not attempt to reply to this email as your reply will be blocked also. The particular blacklist you are on is one that reports to http://www.relays.osirusoft.com.

We at the Victory Studios recognize that periodically this blacklist may
include addresses that belong to our customers and vendors, and we
for any inconvenience this has caused you. We know that this is a major
irritation, but we thought you should know that you have been put on
blacklist because some recipients of your mail may not have the courtesy
inform you that your mail was rejected. Here are the steps you can take
correct this problem:

1. Contact Alan or Brandon at The Victory Studios Seattle office - (206)
282-1776. We will immediately add your mail server's IP address to our
"friendly IP" list so that you will never receive these emails from us
again. If this relates to an email newsletter or group list that is
to the video/film industry, please let us know about any key words in
subject or content of all messages that will help us to let these
pass through in the future.  If you receive this  message outside of
office hours, forward your email to noRBL@apsseattle.com and we will
it to the appropriate party and then add your address to our "friendly
list". You don't need to know the IP address - we can look up the mail
our rejected mail log files and allow future mail from your server to go
through. If you have the subject of the mail, the date and/or time sent,
your email address handy this will help us locate the mail.

2. Getting off the blacklist may be difficult. Either contact your ISP
(Internet Service Provider) and let them know that your IP address has
blacklisted, or if you have an network administrator who is adequately
skilled, have them attempt to get you de-listed by going to the
http://www.relays.osirusoft.com website. Tell this person that it is
possible that you have what is known as an "open relay" on your mail
and that hackers on the outside have taken advantage of your mail server
send unsolicited commercial email (spam) to others. Also let them know
the osirusoft website is sometimes a bit cryptic, and that a good place
start is at http://www.relays.osirusoft.com/cgi-bin/rbcheck.cgi.

Again, if the mail you sent was not unsolicited commercial mail, we
sincerely apologize for this incident and hope that you can understand
desire to eliminate junk email from our system.

-Alan Denke
The Victory Studios

This email was sent to: waiscool@cool.conservation-us.org

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