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Re: [AV Media Matters] Say Goodbye to Floppies

In a message dated 02/08/2003 9:55:22 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
jeffkreines@mindspring.com writes:

>  >I also use an Iomega Zip at 100 MB and a Castlewood Orb at 2.2 GB.
>  >use the 
>  >Zip for images and the Orb for backup.
>  Given how cheap other media are, I use CD-R for portability (cheaper
>  than 
>  a floppy) and another hard drive for backup (so fast and simple).  I 
>  don't trust Zip, Jaz, or Orb...

Right now I am working with a four hour audio program and wish everyone
DVDs.  However it is a lot easier to drag a 10K file to drive A than to
it onto a CD-R.  

I think there is a need for a low capacity transfer medium, just as
there is 
for paper notepads.  I have hundreds of floppies stored with AV
containing small text files with documentation so it will be available 
without retyping years from now if I need it.  Floppies are also used
small programs and batch files relevant to individual projects, stored
file folders and notebooks.  I will need a computer with a floppy drive
the foreseeable future.  

I've already been through this with 5-1/2" discs and it is an ongoing
with them now.  It seems that the only way to retain information for an 
extended time is to print it out and hope to always have available a
scanner and OCR program. 

The CD, being a consumer distribution medium, has some longevity for the
reason as the 78 rpm record, 16 mm film, LP, and VHS tape. However for
generation the lifetime seems to get shorter.

What is the best bet on the next medium and format that will stay
long enough to be used for long term storage?

Mike Csontos

This email was sent to: waiscool@cool.conservation-us.org

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