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Re: [AV Media Matters] SVHS Correction & Preservation


Yes, I was referring to VIDEO DVD-Rs and I forgot to make that

Regards interchange,  I was the Ampex person responsible for interchange
all Ampex helical videotape recorders except for the industrial machines
in Chicago in the sixties.  I analyzed all of the variables and made
that the SMPTE standards that were adopted would produce videotapes that
totally interchangable among all of the VTR manufacturers.

Regards error correction, the Ampex digital videotape recorders had 
incredibly good error correction.  I scraped about a square inch of
oxide off 
a D2 tape and the video did not appear degraded in a room with normal
I'm sure that if I looked at the video output in a dark room I would
noticed a degradation in the video.

Jim Wheeler

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