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[AV Media Matters] Data conversion

Dear colleagues,

A client of ours has a large body of important information stored on Mini
Data Cartridges. They would like  would like to identify a service IN THE
CITY OF NEW YORK that can transfer the data from these tapes to a hard
drive. Is there someone on the list who either offers this service or can
recommend one?

Many thanks in advance for your help.

Rosemary Haddad
Associate Librarian
Canadian Centre for Architecture
1920, rue Baile
Montréal, QC   H3H 2S6
Tel. (514) 939-7000 ext.1374     Fax  (514) 939-7020
Email:  rhaddad@.cca.qc.ca    URL:  http://www.cca.qc.ca

This email was sent to: waiscool@cool.conservation-us.org

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