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[AV Media Matters] Baking videotape

We have two series of U-Matic tapes, on Ampex KCA and Scotch UCA
videotape that appear to have sticky-shed syndrome. I've never baked videotape
with sticky-shed, though I have baked audiotape. What is the consensus on handling videotape with this problem? Are the procedures for handling
these the same as for audiotape, or are there special things I should know? I bake 1/4" audiotape for about 4 hours at 130 deg and I assume that wider

tape would need to be baked longer, just as is necessary with audiotape.

Any personal insights or references to published articles would be

David Seubert, Curator
Performing Arts Collection
Davidson Library Special Collections
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA  93106
(805) 893-5444 Fax (805) 893-5749

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