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[AV Media Matters] List News - Seasons Greetings

Seasons Greetings and Happy New Year! It has been quite a year for this
list, and I hope that all of you enjoy the benefits of our collective
expertise - I know that I do. There are now 865 members of this list - a

very large size for a specialized list of this type. I am particularly
impressed with the quality of the information that I receive on this
list. I am always learning, and there is a very high quality component
of this list - and a lower quantity. Frankly as a person who gets over
100 emails a day on average, I really appreciate the low volume and high

quality of the list.

Many of you have noticed that the emails tend to "bunch" up. There are
several reasons for this. One is that posts of interest seem to trigger
other posts and when the subject has been discussed adequately the posts

tend to stop. So there may be a flurry of posts in a cople of days (the
last couple of days has seen several posts) and then there may not be
any for several days (and sometimes weeks). The other reason has to do
with my moderating the list. I screen evey single posting so that what
the list gets are good posts and on topic information. I travel a great
deal, and sometimes I cannot easily pick up my email and/or spend the
time necessary to properly "vet" the potential postings. This tends to
cause the postings to bunch up - and when I have the proper access and
time the postings all go through at once. I also take vacations now and
then, and try to put my email away during those times. I realize that
this is not optimal - but the alternative is to allow ALL postings to go

through. So apologies for the delays, but I hope you agree that the high

quality of the postings on the list and low traffic are worth the wait.

I would like to encourage broader participation. There is great
diversity on this list, and room for different opinions and
perspectives. Please don't be intimidated - participate!

So thank you for making moderating this list a real pleasure! Best
Holiday wishes!


James Lindner

Moderator: AV Media Matters Listserve
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