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Re: [AV Media Matters] DVD as Storage Medium

Speaking as a former videotape recorder design engineer for Ampex, I
can throw two more factors into this discussion. At the NAB Trade
Show in 1956, Ampex introduced the videotape recorder. Every NAB
thereafter, Ampex engineers had to come up with a "showstoper".
Those were the days when Ampex and Kodak had the largest amount of
floorspace.  Now, it's Sony, JVC, AVID, Philips.

When designing a new high-tech device like a videotape machine, the
chief engineer must have a schedule in order to meet the April NAB
deadline every year.  Engineers keep coming up with new ideas during
product development and this is called "Feature Creep".  At some
point, the chief engineer must say STOP.  After that, the new ideas
become part of the next product.  This process was driven by
engineers at Ampex.

The second factor happens at companies that are management-driven.
Engineers may come up with a prototype of a revoluntary product but
if it competes with the company's "bread-and-butter" product, it
will be killed or delayed.

Jim Wheeler

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