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Re: [AV Media Matters] Containers for long-term storage ofmedia

scott campbell wrote:
> Friends,
> What would be the ramifications of storing large numbers of videotape,
> audiotape, data tape in fire-proof containers/safes over the longterm?
> (Apart from the great expense involved). I am thinking of the 125
> 2-hour rated type.
> I have long assumed (and must have read somewhere in the past) that
> off-gassing from the media, as well as the possibility of increasing
> already resident mold in older tapes, makes this proposition not good,
> even detrimental, for long-term viability of tape media. Due in part
> the lack of circulation and refreshment of the air in these
> air-tight containers. (I assume the same would also be true, perhaps
> even more so, for film media of all types.)
> Is this in fact true?
> Is there any test data on this, or hard-won experiential reports among
> you all or that you could point me to about this?
> Can someone explain in more technical detail why doing this would or
> would not be recommended.
> Thanks.
> Scott Campbell
> Director of Archives
> Eleutherian Pan-Communion of Adidam
> 12040 N. Seigler Road
> Middletown, CA 95461
> 707-928-1111

While visiting the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (Standards
Laboratory of the German government) as a guest scientist, I was shown
reference floppy diskettes they had stored in a fireproof safe.
Fireproofing material in the safe had outgassed, and the disks were
"welded" to the liner material. Seems like a high risk/low reward issue.

Media Sciences, Inc.

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