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Re: [AV Media Matters] Video studio floor

At 06:19 PM 04/30/2002 +1000, you wrote:
>We are about to fit-out a new video studio and are unsure about the
>We are looking at either - Industrial heavy duty lint free synthetic
>or, Vinyl (heavy duty linoleum) with heavy impact rubber safety mats.
>Any advice would be appreciated.
>Gerard Kleist
>Preservation Services
>National Archives of Australia
>Locked Bag 4             120 Miller Road
>Chester Hill NSW 2162       Chester Hill NSW 2162
>Telephone: 02 9645 0144
>Facsimile: 02 9645 0108
>Email: gerardk@naa.gov.au
>Internet: <<http://www.naa.gov.au/>>

The few professional video studios I have worked in had plywood floors
you could quickly nail down flats and braces.  Some of the smaller
had linoleum.  I wouldn't think carpet would be a good idea.

Mark P.

"The early bird may get the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese."

Waveworks Digital Media         http://www.waveworks.net
1100 N. Glebe Road                      markp@waveworks.net
Arlington, VA   22201
fax  703.527.1308

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