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Re: [AV Media Matters] arsclist Deterioration of Acetate TAPESandFILM

>>Kodak also made video tape, and good tape at that. They eliminated all of it
>>from their line sometime in the mid-80s or so.

Actually Joe Kodak sold it, but it was manufactured for them by someone

Walter Graff
Commercial Director/Cinematographer/Producer
Hellgate Pictures, Inc.
444 E. 82 Street
New York, NY  10028
212 517 5237
FAX 212 249 9302
Always use Internet Explorer as Netscape is a lousy browser
E-MAIL: Walter@film-and-video.com

Moderators Comment:
I may be thinking of their consumer tape - but I seem to recollect that they
oem'ed it from TDK. Those were the days when TDK actually made tape - I am
not sure now whether they do or whether it is just a brand name.

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