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RE: [AV Media Matters] DVD-R White Paper

I have a few more questions about the new Pioneer DVR-AO3 drive.

I understand that the Pioneer drive adds the CMF files needed to create a
glass master. My question is can I supply a general use DVD-R to a
replicator and have them transfer it to a Mastering DVD with CMF files to
use for glass mastering?

My understanding is the DVR-A03 drive is a 2x IDE drive and the older
DVR-S201 drive is an SCSI 1x drive.  Will Pioneer be offering a new 2x SCSI

Does any one know when software will be available for burning Data to DVD-Rs
on the AO3 drive.  The software currently shipping with the A03 drive is
Sonic's DVD-It.  This software can only burn Video.  Does anyone know if
Nero or Easi CD Creator is working on DVD-R drivers?

John Norman
Max Optical

-----Original Message-----
From: James Lindner [mailto:jim@vidipax.com]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 3:07 PM
To: AV-Media-Matters@topica.com
Subject: [AV Media Matters] DVD-R White Paper

The incorrect link was given - the correct one is:

James Lindner

General Manager VidiPax Division
VidiPax - The Magnetic Media Restoration Company

Executive Vice-President
Loudeye Technologies

450 West 31 Street
New York, N.Y.  10001
212-563-1999 ext. 102

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