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Re: [AV Media Matters] Status of Hi8 & SVHS?

Hi-8 is rather dead, although I believe you might still buy units
(camcorders) at Best Buy. Digital-8 is the new thing, and they play
Hi-8 tapes. I believe I have seen camcorders as low as $400 on

In the industrial market Hi-8 died long ago and was replaced by
digital formats. Wasn't missed by many either. Some units are still
in service of course, but as they age they will be replaced by new
formats because the old one is gone.

SVHS is still with us, many models of consumer recorders to choose
from in the stores.

Joe Salerno
Video Works! Is it working for you?
PO Box 273405 - Houston TX 77277-3405
Fax: 603-415-7616
----- Original Message -----
From: <mwcpc6@aol.com>
To: "AV Media Matters" <AV-Media-Matters@topica.com>
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 4:26 PM
Subject: [AV Media Matters] Status of Hi8 & SVHS?

>About ten years ago one of the members of our group (Antique Wireless
>Association, see http://www.antiquewireless.org) chose the Hi8 tape format to
>document the proceedings of our annual conference, planning to archive them
>to SVHS.
>Now the two Hi8 cameras are out of order and reportedly beyond repair, there
>is no Hi8 equipment available locally, and the local rental company's Hi8
>unit is also broken. I am using a borrowed Hi8 deck to dub to VHS SLP to get
>viewable review copies.
>I have also heard very little about SVHS lately. We have two decks about ten
> years old, which have seen moderate use.
>I am wondering whether these formats are still viable for low cost video, and
>what format might be recommended for the future (recordable DVD looks
>Mike Csontos

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