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[AV Media Matters] Follow up on Autoreply issue

Several of you have told me that you are getting messages when some
member of the list has put their email on autoreply - like when they are
out of the office. I contacted Topica and here is the situation.

The list is currently configured so that all of the messages each
subcriber receives comes "from" the sender as opposed to "from" the
list. Because it is set this way - the autoresponder sends its reply
ONLY to the person who has posted - directly in a manner of speaking.

I could change that - but then - each email that you will get will come
from the List - and you would have to open it up to see the sender. This
would inconvience everyone on a regular basis - so my decision at this
point is twofold.

1. To try to stop list members from turning it on in the first place
creating the problem.

2. To leave the list settings as they are - and all posters will now
know know that they can expect to get a few of these, and simply
request that they delete them. And to apologize for the inconvience.


Jim Lindner - President
VidiPax - The Magnetic Media and Information Migration Full Services
Telephone 212-563-1999
Moderator of A/V Media Matters@topica.com

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