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RE: [AV Media Matters] Technical Question

I agree. Go to Radio Shack and purchase the adaptors. Note that if
the 3/4"deck has XLR's outs then the output will be +4 db and the TV
will most probabily be a -10 db device.  That means it will distort
from overload. Just turn down the audio output of the 3/4" with the

Mark P.
Waveworks Digital Media                       http://www.waveworks.net
1100 North Glebe Road
Arlington, VA   22201

"Hey, it's the year 2000.  Where are the flying cars?"

On 07/11/2000, AV-Media-Matters wrote:
>try getting some adaptors to convert the bnc to rca
>and the balanced audio to unbalanced rca.
>>>> miriam+@pitt.edu 07/11 7:23 AM >>>
>We recently managed to acquire a 3/4" deck.  We don't have a
>professional monitor to hook it up to, but we do have a tv with
>audio and video inputs.  Is there any way I can get this setup to
>work?  I have already connected the video and made an attempt,
>though it may sound silly to some, to take the BNC video out and
>connect it to the UHF on the tv as well.  I just wanted to try
>anything and everything with the hope I could get it to work
>together.  I don't think I would be able to purchase a monitor
>unless it were really cheap.  I would really like to make this
>setup work if possible.
>Any advice is welcome.
>Moderators comment:
>The cheap way to do this is to buy a RF converter
>which should be available
>from a radio shack store - it will take your video
>and put it on channel 3
>or 4, and make it look like - well - UGH comes to
>mind -but it will work and it is cheap.
>Miriam Meislik,MLS
>Associate Archivist
>Photograph Curator
>Archives of Industrial Society
>400 North Lexington Avenue
>University of Pittsburgh
>Pittsburgh, PA 15260
>(412)244-7075 voice
>(412)244-7077 fax

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