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[AV Media Matters] Convection Oven

I am posting this message for a colleague at one of our member
stations. We
use a larger, more expensive,  Precision 70DM laboratory oven to
bake tapes
and have been very happy with it.

		We're looking for a convection oven for tape baking: can
anyone recommend a current model that will go as low as 120 or 130 degrees
F? The only one we found is an industrial grade model by Blue-M
that's >$2k!

		The Faberware Turbo Model T4800 that was recommended is
apparently no longer available. It, of course, was only a few hundred

Rob Robinson                           National Public Radio
Senior Librarian                         635 Massachusetts Ave NW
phone 202-414-2355                  Washington, DC 20001
fax 202-414-3056                       rrobinson@npr.org

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