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[AV Media Matters] Advertising Messages

I wanted to update everyone on the advertising message issue on the
list. A few months ago I was contacted by Topica who asked if we would
participate in the advertising. I opened this up to the members of the
list, and the response was essentially - why not. There were a few
strong objections but there were also a few strong supporters. You may
also remember that I volunteered to donate the funds received to an
organization that is associated with "AV Media Matters" such as IASA or
ARSC or AMIA or FIAT or a similar non-profit.

Topica has just started the program in earnest - and we now know what to
expect. You will see advertising at the beginning and the end of each
posting. Note that they are text ONLY because I have set it up that way
- the other option is to allow HTML, which may be a chore for those of
us with slow Internet access. So far with 3 postings we have "earned"
$.93US  so it appears that they pay around $.30 a posting to the list.
We have had about 180 postings since the beginning of the year - so IF
there had been advertising the entire time we would have "earned" around
$55, and on an annual basis that would be around $200. Not enough to
retire on - BUT - a nice small gift for a non-profit.

The advertising does not seem to be THAT bad, it is easy to scroll by -
and to me it seems to be a nice opportunity for our list to contribute
to the field through our own sharing of information - and I like that
concept.  I am open to other comments/ideas. If you have any thoughts on
this subject - please send them to me at.


Jim Lindner - President
VidiPax - The Magnetic Media and Information Migration Full Services
Telephone 212-563-1999
Moderator of A/V Media Matters@topica.com

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