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[AV Media Matters] replacement bulb

Dear friends

I have a friend, a painter, who uses an 18inch E F series III
Epydiascope to make his art.
The bulb has now blown and he doesn't know where to buy a replacement.

The bulb is a:

It must be more economical to use a more up to date overhead projector,
but he seems to have factored this machine into his creative process!
He's contacted Thorn and is still waiting for them to come back to him.
Anyone out there able to help me with suppliers of such bulbs?


Stephen Elson

Moderators Comment:
OK - WHAT is a  Epydiascope? It sounds from the description like it may be a
machine used in the graphic arts that bounced light off of a flat object and
projected the resultant image - used for tracing essentially. There is
another name for that machine but I do not remember it, but they were very
large, and had huge lenses to collect only the reflected light. Overhead
projectors work with light transmitted THROUGH objects - these machines
worked with REFLECTED light, on more or less a similar principle.  BUT that
is a guess. Please ENLIGHTEN us........
sorry about that - could not resist.........


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