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RE: [AV Media Matters] Removing Candle Wax!!

In this case - it looks as though the discs were used to support
burning candles and the wax has just splashed down on them.

Actually, they're so bad anyway, maybe I should put some more on and follow
your friends line of reasoning.  I doubt if they would be any worse in
terms of surface noise and clicks - and the 'music' leaves a lot to be
desired as well.  I could be doing the world a favour :-).

At 11:06 07/03/00 -0800, Judy Jones wrote:
>A friend of mine told me that candle wax is a method of filling in bad
>scratches on records and CDs so they won't skip.  That may be how it got

Graeme Jaye

Personal-CD - Affordable Audio Restoration


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