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[AV Media Matters] FW: NARA publishes proposed rule for public comment

It would be great if this list could comment on this!  Send them to Nancy
Allard or to me and I will forward them!


Carol E.B. Choksy, Ph.D., CRM
4103 Golden Grove Road, Greenwood, IN 46143
Tel: 317-535-7117
Fax: 317-535-7784
Email: cchoksy@doculabs.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Records Management Program [mailto:recmgmt@tc.umn.edu] On Behalf
Of Nancy Allard
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2000 10:41 AM
To: recmgmt@tc.umn.edu
Subject: NARA publishes proposed rule for public comment

NARA published a proposed rule in the February 3, 2000 Federal Register at
page 5295.  The proposed rule will eliminate the requirement in 36 CFR part
1234 for agencies to rewind under controlled tension all magnetic computer
tapes containing unscheduled and permanent records every 3 -1/2 years.  We
invite your comment on the proposed rule.

We will have a link to the proposed rule on our Opportunities for Public
Comment page (www.nara.gov/nara/pubcom.html) by Monday.  You can also access
it electronically through GPO Access at

Nancy Allard
Policy and Planning Staff
National Archives and Records Administration

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