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RE: [AV Media Matters] Eliminating machine noise on audio tapes


Your audio engineer is probably using low-pass filtering to eliminate the
high frequency noise.  That works sometimes but you appear to have a very bad
noise problem.  Coppola's movie "The Conversation" shows how Gene Hackman
uses low-pass filtering to clear up a recorded conversation.  A great movie!

There are two computer systems that are designed to reduce audio noise.  One
is Sonic Solutions in San Rafael, CA with their "No Noise" system.  A cheaper
(but not as good) system is called DINR (Digital Intelligent Noise Reduction)
by Digidesign in Palo Alto, CA  650-842-7900.  Digidesign is owned by AVID.
Both systems will be shown at NAB.

I believe No Noise works on a PC and DINR works on a Power-Mac.  You can
figure at least $2,000 for this kind of software/hardware so it is better to
have a professional do it for you.  Call Sonic Solutions or Digidesign and
ask who in your area owns their equipment.

Jim Wheeler

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