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[ARSCLIST] ARC Summer Sale

Dear ARSC members, esp in the NY area.

Our sale begins Sat, and many of you who have been to meetings here, know where we are. ARC (not exactly ARSC) members can join us for a party on Thursday evening, with Champagne donated by the Bubble Lounge and hot wings (perfect food for handling records) and Summer Ale donated by Bonnie's Grill in Brooklyn.

Sat JUNE 13 - Sun JUNE 21
Everyday from 11 am to 6 pm

Here's what will be on sale :
• TONS of BOOKS, no I mean it, really, TONS! • Film Soundtrack & Broadway – MOST for a BUCK
• JAZZ LPs • African & world-music • Punk singles • Smith singles • MC5 singles • audio equipment
Classical LPs - new + mint $3 – most 4 for $1 - great selection of Kurt Weill and Classical guitar recordings * piles of Classical books (the ones we didn't donate to the ARSC auction) • laser discs • music books • 100s of videos + DVDs • our largest selection of 7" singles since time began!
• For the dis-en-vinyled our Astroturf Yardsale of 50s kitchen stuff and clothing!!!

we're @ 54 White St, NYC 10013
3 blocks South of Canal between Church + Broadway
Take the #1 train to Franklin St, or any train to Canal

	tel : 212-226-6967          e : arcmusic@xxxxxxxx
	          http://www.arcmusic.org          blog: http://arcmusic.wordpress.com

The ARChive of Contemporary Music
is a not-for-profit archive, music library and research center
located in New York City. The ARChive collects preserves and
provides information on the popular music of all cultures throughout the world.
Since 1986 our holdings have grown to three million sound recordings,
making the ARChive the largest popular music collection in the World.

Members of the Board of Advisors are: David Bowie, Jellybean Benitez,
Jonathan Demme, Ellie Greenwich, Jerry Leiber, Youssou N'Dour,
Lou Reed, Keith Richards, Nile Rodgers, Todd Rundgren,
Fred Schneider, Martin Scorsese, Paul Simon,
Mike Stoller and Jerry Wexler

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