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[ARSCLIST] ARSC Lifetime Achievement Award, 2009

On Saturday I was privileged to accept the award on behalf of Cristóbal Díaz Ayala, whose numerous works on Cuban music history and discography have become standard references in the field.   We neglected to offer sufficient sacrifices to the technology gods and, sadly, his acceptance speech went unheard at the banquet.  I'll make up for that now;  here's the text, followed by the speech itself.


ps - Cristóbal's new book,

San Juan-New York:  Discografía de la música puertorriqueña 19000-1942  (Cayey, PR:  Publicaciones Gaviotas, 2009)

has just been published.  

Best wishes,

Attachment: ARSC Speech.doc
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Toby speech.wma
Description: Binary data

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