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Re: [ARSCLIST] ARChive featured in today's New York Times

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] ARChive featured in today's New York Times

From: "Marcos Sueiro Bal" <tierecords@xxxxxxxxx>
> Our friends (and ARSC NY chapter supporters/hosts) the ARChive of
> Contemporary Music have a nice feature today, May 7 2009, in the New
> York Times:  http://tinyurl.com/c8js4o

From: "Steven C. Barr" <stevenc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Hmm-m-m-m...?! Looks like all...or NEARLY alll...vinyl microgroove 
> "records"...?!  I am not ABSOLITELY sure that these non-shellac
> artifacts qualify as "records"...?

Steve -- Everybody else on this list are ABSOLUTELY SURE that these
artifacts DO qualify as records.  It should have gone without saying
that an archive described at the very beginning of the article as being
for recordings going back to 1950 would consist mainly of microgroove

> I have often wondered if my half-vast shellac archive (c.55,060 78's)
> might be of interest to some print-medium operation...

Since many people on this list have had their collections discussed in
the print media, it is obvious that print-media ARE occasionally
interested in doing articles about collections of pre-microgroove
recordings, but they are also interested in the collection's owner being
lucid and avoiding nonsensical statements.  

Mike Biel  mbiel@xxxxxxxxx  

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