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Re: [ARSCLIST] ARChive featured in today's New York Times

----- Original Message ----- From: "Marcos Sueiro Bal" <tierecords@xxxxxxxxx>
Our friends (and ARSC NY chapter supporters/hosts) the ARChive of
Contemporary Music have a nice feature today, May 7 2009, in the New
York Times:


It includes a nice selection of covers and great audio samples. Do not
miss the Singaporean Pocket Prayerer (my, um, christening)!

Hmm-m-m-m...?! Looks like all...or NEARLY alll...vinyl microgroove "records"...?!
I am not ABSOLITELY sure that these non-shellac artifacts qualify as "records"...?

I have often wondered if my half-vast shellac archive (c.55,060 78's) might be
of interest to some print-medium operation...OTOH, would being written up
possibly attract thieves (very STRONG ones, I assume...?!)?! This I DON'T


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