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Re: [ARSCLIST] ARSCLIST Digest - 16 Jan 2009 to 18 Jan 2009 (#2009-16)

Thanks Bill! I was going to ask...

And now, for one who has never had a DATA DAT in my system (only at studios where I've worked) what would be an acceptable unit that doesn't cost a million bucks? No SCSI here except my old old 9500... firewire? USB2?

Thanks, a cursory search turned up nothing for me.

I use a Sony SDT-9000 (internal SCSI) with the free command-line program DAT2WAV (http://web.ncf.ca/aa571/dat2wav.htm). I bought one new last year for $120.
I had to upgrade the firmware on the DDS drive to get it to read audio, and it was a bit of a pain getting the program to find the drive, but once it's configured correctly it works very well. I don't have absolute faith in it, since I have found instances where the program fails to correct some errors, and some instances where it will skip a portion of audio without flagging it, but this seems to happen when I am doing other things on my computer while extracting a tape, so I don't do other work when extracting. I also keep a Sony R500 on hand just in case.

Here are some links that may be of help:


It's too bad nobody seems interested in writing a more user-friendly program, but I guess I should just be happy that I can still buy a DDS drive...

-Matt Sohn

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