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Re: [ARSCLIST] ARSC Journal needed..repeat

Sorry, I cited the wrong issue (15:1 instead of 13:1) but the one I want is also out of print.

Vol 13:1 (Out of Print)
A Discotopolgy Primer; Discography--Pre-LP Recordings of RCA at 33 1/3 rpm, 1931-1934, Part 1: Selective Discography of the Civil Rights Movement; book and record reviews.

David Lennick wrote:
Farrington, Jim wrote:
Contact ARSC's executive secretary, Peter Shambarger (execdir@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx), to obtain copies of back issues. You can se the form found at http://arsc-audio.org/pdf/pubs-order-form.pdf. Jim Farrington

Subject: [ARSCLIST] ARSC Journal needed..repeat
A repeat request.> Anyone have a copy of ARSC Journal Vol. 13 #1 they'd care to part with? The
Victor 33RPM pages would be fine but I'd like to have the entire issue if
anyone has one for sale.


Vol 15:1 (Out of Print)
Uriah Hunt Painter; Discography--Pre-LP Recordings of RCA at 33 1/3 rpm, Part 3, book and record reviews; Current Bibliography; The Way of the Living; For the Record.

I'd have ordered that one ages ago when ARSC offered back issues but as you can see, this one isn't available.


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