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[ARSCLIST] Low frequency garbage Re: [ARSCLIST] ELP Turntable (Re(2): [ARSCLIST] RIAA EQ software)

It's not as flat as the ELP, but a strain gauge cartridge can extract the kind of low frequency garbage you are referring to. I was running a Panasonic strain gauge through a Nelson Pass designed power supply and was listening with stereo subs that used three 12" woofers per side. I got a real fright on some LPs between cuts. The woofers would nearly flap themselves to death.

Charles Lawson wrote:

I have found this to be true, as well. My best disc transfers use the ELP with custom filters to reproduce the RIAA (or other) curve. The CD vs. digitally-mastered LP restoration comparisons are very telling. On occasion, because the ELP is so flat (especially down low), I am forced to use a high-pass filter on the final file to minimize rumble from the *cutting* unit.

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